Thursday, December 2, 2010

brace face

well.... after 27 yrs it is asmall thing but it might make a huge difference.....I am getting braces!! Its crazy and I will have to tighten my spending belt but I think will be a good thing over all.. today was my first apt. and it was a little painful. I got exrays done which wasnt bad at all then I had molds taken, not to bad either....then they had to put Spacers between four teeth to start them in the moving process so that on the 15th of this month when they put the braces on there will then be enough space to put rubber bands on. The problem being is that my teeth are so close together that it is painful to jam rubber between and leave in they had to use what lookd like a thick paper clip in because the rubber wasnt going! the whole time which ended up being almost two hours...Jathen my little man sat content in his stroller and talked to me and the workers there, and laughed at the pictures he saw them take of my teeth and then as I couldnt say anything for my mouth was wide open while they worked on it...he sat there saying "Ahhh, Ahhhh, Ahhh." It was super cute and I loved the encouragement!! All the while he wasnt feeling good today small fever and kept shaking and wanted to cuddle... he still was a good listener and obeyd quickly! So I was blessed!

  ok well, here goes another adventure. Im sure it will not be a completly smooth ride so ill need Friends to help remind me to save money,pay bills, and to be frugal and to also not complain too much about them! thanks and wish me Luck.. its a little scary to me...