Today I went and got Jathen at nine and had him untill five pm. What a fun filled day with him and my mother and sister!!
We started out by meeting at Point Defiance Zoo. It was very busy, but awesome weather. We made our way around tha zoo seeing the Elephant, Tigers and Monkey's (Tigers are Jathens favorite) and many more animals as we went around. since it is now Summertime the zoo is a hopin' place they tend to have the food booths and alot of sugary sweets available that are not normaly open year round, so we decided to splurge!! thruought the day we had waffle fries and chicken burger! Then as we continued along we had a cool mint twisted icecream ...(it was very good)! And we also had a little Cotton Candy!!
So on part of our way around the Camel rides were open and I personaly have Never been on a camel and thought it sounded so exciting. I like doing things with Jathen that are differant and special when he is with me. So I paid for myself and Jathen to take a ride and anna and mom paid for anna to take a turn with Jathen again after me. so as we waited to "board" Jathen kept asking is it my turn? is it my turn next? I want to ride , my turn? so I thought this might be ok" but he better ride with me then Anna so he's not freaked out ...well didnt work so well!! As soon as the Camel was ready for us to get on, he began to stiffen up his body and started screaming...he was very scared! but we got on and took our turn on the camel i thought was super neat!! Then it was Anna's turn but Jathen said "No No not again No" so Ann went on her ride alone. Least she didnt have a kid screaming at her and people watching saying that kids going to be scared for life. Well if those people knew that little boy, they would know later he would be talking and bragging about ridding a camel!! He was just fine and totaly enjoyed the rest of our day, so dont worry. He really enjoyed feeding the birds on a little stick with seed on the end of it!
Jathen Loved the cool mint iceream too, it was Huge!! We shared the icecream and because he was trying to hold it as I ate some, he kept laughing as he got it on my face!! And then he would call to my mom saying "Lizbeth , look Lydia's face she got on her mouth", and would laugh at me thinking it was very funny. He made me laugh alot today!
-So these photos are in random order but that's alright-
loving splashing me with the water |
getting Anna with the water |
Saying Hi thru window on card-board house. |
long day and he is worn out for sure!! |
hello ...we live here in this house made from China.. HAHA!!! |
Hi :-) |
inside our "sweating hot" little home |
Knock Knock!! |
....Icecream... |
This is way too Big for HIm!! |
-Jathen- |
feeding Birds
Anna riding Camel |
waiting our turn for Camel |
Jathen and I riding camel...look closely at His face!! |
camel ride |
After the zoo we headed home to where we headed out to the back yard where I have been waiting over two weeks to cut out a house with Jathen and play in one from some Cardboard from work that i had saved. And because the weather was nice out and in our box house it was hot...I set up a little pool. and we got wet and splashed around and he laughed and laughed with Anna and I. After getting a towel and drying up my now shivering boy we went inside got dried up and we both had a glass of milk and sat in my new chair and watched a little Leap Frog learning dvd...then I took him back home!! Today was a blessed day!! You may not see Mom in any of these photos but she was there with us having a good time together!